Version History |
Version 4.4 - Nov 15, 2015 (current version)
- "Read-Only" folder sharing capability
- Updated icons in Firefox browser extension
Version 4.3 - Aug 11, 2015
- Mobile app setup via QR code (transfers synchronization User ID and Encryption Key)
- Added digital signature check for synchronization connection to s10soft.com
- Improved logic for fetching website icon in New/Edit Account window
Version 4.2 - July 3, 2014
- Quick launch with single keystroke for frequently used sites (number keys 1-9)
- "Fill" login option (autofills username/password where you have autotyped them)
- "Link" feature in Edit Account window for sharing password between accounts
- Custom vault name included in window title if it does not contain "Password" or "Vault"
- Option to "Reauthenticate for Synchronization setup, View All passwords, and Export"
- Simplified Synchronization window by hiding User ID and Encryption Key
- Removed check for .NET v2 from setup program since Win8 includes only .NET v4
- Enabled keystroke search even when no folder or account is selected
- Fixed sporadic autologin issue in IE where password was inserted in username field
- Fixed import error occuring when row contained less than 6 tab-separated values
- Fixed problem with window title match for titles containing a " " character
- Fixed autotype problem for field values containing a backslash (in IE)
- Fixed error occurring when Windows FIPS encryption was turned on
Version 4.1 - Apr 7, 2012
- Mobile companion app available for Android devices
- Free-text search feature in the View All window
- Import capability from KeePass xml export file
- Master password is now included in synchronization process
- Added copy button for the highlighted field in the info panel
- Successive keystroke searches now collapse previously auto-expanded folders
- Support for .NET Framework v4
- Simplified business license; now includes user ID for synchronization
- Removed option for "Business License Server" in Options Window
- Made the Synchronize Now button more prominent in the Synchronize window
- Redesigned, high-definition logo icon
- Fixed problem with inaccessible personal info after master password change
- Fixed error running standalone launch script when the Account Panel was enabled
- Eliminated brief window flash when starting the program on Windows 7
- Fixed problem where an IE menu bar flash sometimes interfered with Autologin
- Corrected some minor font- and color consistency issues under Windows 7
- Fixed occasional error opening the Edit Account window
- Fixed intermittant error with the options button next to the master password field
Version 4 - July 5, 2011
- Account- and personal info panels in main window offering autotype/drag-and-drop
- Improved View- and Autotype windows, matching the panels in the main window
- Support for attachment files in the Edit Account window
- Option to save custom login sequence as standalone launch script
- Jump-to-next-match keystroke search in main window and in account dropdowns
- Eliminated unnecessary one-time internet call checking digital signing certificate
- Option to "Maximize activation speed (higher memory usage when in background)"
- Increased time limit for custom auto-logon sequences from 60 seconds
- Improved logic for retrieving account icons from websites
- Limited the lines of Notes displayed in the account tooltip in main window to 10
- Added logic to auto-adjust the height of the Personal Info edit window
- Added logic to ensure Master Password window is always-on-top
- Non-email based donation confirmation; auto-recognizes Synchronization User ID
- Fixed problem with View All window when an account had over 32 lines of Notes
- Fixed issue with Printing where account info could get cut off at the end of a page
- Fixed issue where AntiKeylogging did not start properly despite being enabled
- Fixed Autologin/Autotype items in IE's textbox context for IE Protected Mode
- Fixed issue with custom login sequence for accounts with over 10 custom fields
- Available Firefox browser extension adds S10 Password Vault context menu items
(install by dragging the file "S10PasswordVaultFirefox.xpi" into the Firefox browser)
Version 3.5 - Dec 19, 2010
- The advanced login step "Set focus / Click item" now works in any browser
- The advanced login step "Javascript" now works in Google Chrome
- Personal Info fields now available as custom login steps and via %FieldName%
- Fixed layout issues under Windows 7 with text size medium (125%) or large (150%)
- Fixed occasional program startup problems and improved error handling code
- Website/program address is now included in account tooltip info in main window
- Websites can be launched by dragging an account onto a browser
- Accounts can be added by dragging a browser URL onto a folder in the main window
- URLs without the http-prefix support drag-and-drop and Export-to-Favorites
- Account window title is required if login type is Auto (or Custom with Match Title)
- Automatic fallback to keystroke-simulation based autotyping if clipboard access fails
- Universal "text-only" paste function in any app via Win+V (normal paste is Ctrl+V)
- Fixed minor problem with Launch button in the View window
Version 3.4 - Oct 16, 2010
- Support for Personal Information (see Tools menu), accessible from Ctrl+Alt+I window
- One-click links from Ctrl+Alt+I window (instead of selecting field and clicking OK)
- Right-click on links in Ctrl+Alt+I window appends a Tab and keeps window open
- Account info shown as tooltip as you move mouse over each account in main window
- Enabled launching of websites entered without the http prefix (for example, google.com)
- Restored "Show Password" button in View window (mistakenly removed in 3.3)
Version 3.3 - July 20, 2010
- Support for account-specific icons, extracted automatically from programs/websites
- Customizable templates for the Notes field in the Account Edit window
- Full set of options for the random password generator in the Account Edit window
- "Last Modified" date in the Account Edit window and in the View All window
- Master Password window is now positioned right above the system tray icon when clicked
- First-time info windows for the portable (zip) version of the program
- Minor toolbar appearance improvements in the Login Steps window
Version 3.2 - Mar 20, 2010
- Compatibility with Windows 64-bit editions
- Many new types of steps available in Login Sequence window
- New remove/insert capability in the Login Sequence window
- Delayed start of login sequence until page has finished loading if using Internet Explorer
- More secure autotyping in Internet Explorer text fields (no pasting or keystroke-sending)
- Added account-level option to tell autotype mechanism to "Simulate keystrokes"
- Added option "Hide the launch menu and the autotype window's account list when locked"
- Added auto-scroll functionality for account drag-and-drop operations
- Improved window title matching logic to also check server name in URL if multiple matches
- Fixed problems with usage of arguments in "Website address or program file"
- Added ability to use variables in "Website address or program file" (e.g., %Username%)
- Added ability to run the portable version from a subfolder on the USB stick
- Changed font to Tahoma for better readability
- Changed password masking character from asterisk to bullet
- Fixed minor layout problem in the random password dropdown menu under Vista
- Modernized and softened some of the toolbar and menu icons
Version 3.1 - Nov 25, 2009
- Fixed layout problems under Windows 7 with text size medium (125%) or large (150%)
- Fixed error under some Windows 7 configurations that did not support Arial Narrow font
Version 3 - Nov 18, 2009
- Support for custom fields (name:value) in account Notes section
- Ctrl+Alt+I to autotype or drag-and-drop any account information (including custom fields)
- View Account window with drag-and-drop support and launch capability
- "View" item in the account context menu and in the system tray icon context menu
- In-place configurability for random password generation (length and special characters)
- Configurable automated login when launching a website or program
- Web-based synchronization feature to keep vault file in sync on multiple PC's
- Ability to securely share and synchronize folders with other users
- Optional key file on USB drive for extra security (used in conjunction with password)
- Alternative ZIP-file download for running from a USB drive (no install required)
- Ability to export as bookmark hierarchy to Internet Explorer's Favorites menu
- "Autologin" and "Autotype" items in Internet Explorer's textbox context menu
- Ability to copy accounts via drag-and-drop with right mouse button
- "Launch" menu items now show URL as tooltip and can be dragged onto a browser
- Improved "View All" table with links for editing and launching accounts
- Print button in View All window and in Export Accounts window
- Printout no longer includes Window Title column (makes more room for important data)
- Ctrl+Alt+U and Ctrl+Alt+P no longer prompt for account if title matches exactly one account
- "Lock" item is now on main toolbar (previously in Tools menu)
- "Delete" item removed from main toolbar
- New items in account context menu for copying custom field values
- Significantly reduced memory footprint and improved error handling
- Encryption key now based on SHA256 hash algorithm instead of SHA1
- More reliable keystroke-sending mechanism (using SendInput Win32 api)
- Full "S10 Password Vault" name in title bar to distinguish it from other programs
- Auto-sized width of account dropdown in autotype window
- Auto-sized height of Notes textbox in Account Details window
- Warning message when exporting accounts
- Master Password field now has Options button showing dropdown menu with:
"Select Vault File" - improved to show tooltip with current vault file path
"Anti Keylogging" - enables/disables automatic hidden decoy keystrokes
Version 2 - Mar 28, 2009